Thursday, October 4, 2018

New York City

The actual drawing:

Url for pictures that inspired me:

This is probably one of my favorite drawings I have ever done. New York City is something that i always marveled at, and wanted to visit. so it's only fitting for me to make a perspective value drawing of the city of my dreams. I used a lot of different techniques for making my project really pop. I tried to make a value tone in the sky so I could make an attempt at at the illusion of making it seem like it was nighttime. While I was working on this project, I had two people in mind as my inspiration for this piece. My master artist for this piece is a man by the name of Fillipo Brunelleschi. He is considered by many artists to be the the first man to popularize perspective drawing, and was an amazing artist. Without his countless hours of studying the world around him, I believe that we would not be able to make art as amazing as we do today. I also chose a man by the name of Stephen Wiltshire. He is honestly truly amazing. he was diagnosed with being on the spectrum of autism, and he did not let even that hold him back from making some of the most intricate drawings of city scapes that you will ever see. He is truly inspiring...

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